Monday, December 12, 2011

Some Assembly Required

[Updated April 29, 2013]

Some Assembly Required is, I get the impression, viewed by most fans as a light, funny, but not very good or important episode. I half agree with this – it’s light and funny, but, per usual, I think it’s also telling us something important.

There’s a strong couples theme to the episode, so let’s start with that. Giles wants to date Jenny; Jenny subtly asks Giles out; Angel approaches Buffy, but is insecure enough to worry about Xander; Cordy hits on Angel, yet again; Xander’s still jonesin’ for Buffy and likewise Willow for him. That all sounds pretty normal and natural.
The dialogue tells us that at least some of this attempted coupling is the result of not wanting to be left out. Fittingly enough, Xander, Buffy’s metaphorical heart, explains it at the end:
“Xander:  Well, I guess that makes it official. Everybody's paired off. Vampires get dates. Hell, even the school librarian sees more action than me. You ever think that the world is a giant game of musical chairs, and the music's stopped and we're the only ones who don't have a chair?
Willow:  All the time.” 

There can be good reasons for being left out – I left out the passage where Cordelia tries to thank Xander and he blows her off – but nobody wants to be left out even if they’re at fault.
Ok, so what does this have to do with Chris, our Doctor Frankenstein, or his monster, Daryl? Well, Daryl wants to be part of a couple too. His desperate desire to find a mate is what drives the plot of the episode. By the design of the show, we should see Daryl as telling us in metaphor about the challenge Buffy faces. Daryl is a metaphor for the human drive to find a mate.

The way I see it, Chris and Daryl are, in metaphor, one person. Chris is the ego and Daryl the id. Consider this dialogue in that light:
“Chris:  Maybe you could... you could go out...
Daryl:  No!
Chris:  Let people know.
Daryl:  They can't see me. Chris, you've always been smarter than me. You were always the brains. You're the only one who can help me now.” 

Chris is the smart one, the ego – what could possibly be more egotistical than believing it’s ok to raise the dead? Daryl is hidden away in the basement (duh!), deformed and unseen. Daryl’s power was in his physical expression, not his mind. Chris, being all ego, needed and wanted Daryl, just as we all need our own id: “He always looked out for me. Stood up for me.” And the id is what’s telling the ego that it doesn’t want to be alone: “He's all alone. Everybody loved him. And now he's all alone.”
The Freudian analysis has a third component as well, a superego, which “comprises that organized part of the personality structure, mainly but not entirely unconscious, that includes the individual's ego ideals, spiritual goals, and the psychic agency (commonly called "conscience") that criticizes and prohibits his or her drives, fantasies, feelings, and actions. ‘The Super-ego can be thought of as a type of conscience that punishes misbehavior with feelings of guilt.’”
Chris and Daryl have gotten this far out of control because there’s no superego keeping watch on them. That role should be played by their mother, but she’s absent because she has given herself over to the id. She’s spending all day watching reruns of Daryl’s football career.
If mother/Chris/Daryl are the metaphorical superego, ego and id of a single person, then we should, as always, understand that metaphor as being about Buffy in some way. Daryl’s “love” for Cordelia was twisted and wrong. In order to get the object of its desire – a desire caused by the fear of being alone – the id would actually kill the object of its “affection” and unleash yet another monster on the world. In this case, the message is pretty clear: don’t let the id take control of the situation.
This is the theme of the season. That’s right – an episode often described as a “standalone” episode is actually laying out the season theme for the viewer in metaphor. Part of the show’s brilliance is this subtle prefiguring, which lays the groundwork for the events to come. It’s actually doing more, too. There are plotlines set up which will come to fruition later, but I won’t mention those in order to avoid spoilers.
Trivia notes: (1) SAR seems loosely based on the movie Bride of Frankenstein (1935). (2) Cyrano de Bergerac was famous for his ability to charm women with his words, which he used for the benefit of a friend in Edmund Rostand’s eponymous play. The reference is perfect because Buffy is telling Giles what to say in order to ask Jenny out.


  1. WOW!

    You know, I've watched these episodes countless times, and it's still just amazing to me the things you can still find after so many viewings.

  2. One thing I realized on going through the later seasons was that there weren't any standalone episodes. Once I started thinking about how each episode might fit into the season theme, I convinced myself that there was a logical purpose to each one even in the early seasons. That gave me a whole new perspective on the series.

    Then again, there's always IRYJ.... :)

  3. i have to agree with aeryl, in that i've watched these 10+ times, and it's amazing how you've found the thread that links it all to the season arc - (though, you're also right that iryj will never fit in anywhere! :) school hard is one of my fav's (pops in and out of my top ten - which is way too crowded!) can't wait to hear your take on it.

  4. Me too, I love "School Hard"! Not just b/c it has the best character introductions(which it does) and has the best Snyder weasel scenes(it does) and the best snarky Cordelia(it does), but because it has the best Cordelia zinger of every episode.

  5. School Hard is one of my favorites too. I've written the post already. You'll which find it too cryptic, but I'll lay things out in more detail in a comment (which will be VERY spoilery).

  6. Really great post on this one. I think you've already convinced me that (less IRYJ) every episode fits into the show, which really does shed an entirely different light on the "monster of the week" episodes. I'm excited to go back through and watch those episodes with this in mind, especially considering that those are usually the episodes that will get skipped in a linear viewing if I just want to get to the "deep plot" stuff.


    You got my gears turning about the id, ego, and superego. I think I'll have to save some thoughts for future posts where they belong better, but I'm thinking towards Spike and what he does to try and get the girl he's trying to get in S6 and S7 by going to get that very important 'thing' back. Is this his id, ego, or supergo talking here? (Such as it is with a vampire, which I guess could be a separate, huge topic with regard to the soul theory and all that; can we define these concepts of id and ego in the same way with a vampire as we do with a soul'd person?)

    I’m also now thinking about other characters who come to have major roles in the show, such as A***. Do demons, vampires, and other beings from different dimensions have some form of id vs. superego, or is it all id? Or perhaps, it’s all superego with no or little emotion, because maybe some of these beings understand more about the universe than we do on this mortal coil?

    Then you start to realize that many, if not most, of the main themes in the show *almost always* have a relationship component. The show loves to develop ideas of death, love, loss, altruism, memories, fear, belonging, etc. *through and by example of* relationships, rather than having those relationships be the focus in and of themselves. I think this is a really neat way to go about themes & subtext, and it’s starting to dawn on me (pun intended) that this may be one of the biggest things that separates BTVS from other (mostly lesser) shows. Joss wasn’t satisfied with exposition for exposition’s sake – he really needs the method and material to be intertwined, and I’m here for it.

    To Mark: it'll probably be a few days before I can get to School Hard. Without reading your post, I know just from my own viewings that there is major foreshadowing throughout that episode, with some great callbacks in future episodes to that one. Definitely need to take time with that and read the book version of your analysis slowly and also re-watch the episode.

  7. IRYJ is one of 3 episodes in the show where I struggle to find a thematic connection to the main plot.

    I'll deal with the vampire issues you raise later this season and in Amends.

    1. Looking forward to it!

      Also, I had a cancellation at work so I'll be out a few hours earlier today which gives me time to re-watch School Hard and then comment. Might be my first novelette-length post I write on any episode. Cheers.

  8. I see two other potential metaphors in the monster of the week. First, in the almost complete reconstructed Frankenlady, I first saw Buffy as she might see herself - disassembled. She's part child, part Cordy, part Slayer. Cordelia is prominent in this episode as her shadow self which supports this view. Of note : when Cordelia is almost killed by Eric in the locker room, but immediately goes off for the cheerleading game. It's giving strong Slayer vibes : no time to catch your breath between two vampires. Cordelia brings that same determination and resilience. Second, Buffy can also see herself in Daryl : literally brought back from the dead, but brought back with trauma (not fully resolved although she is working on it), and longing for true companionship, someone who can understand her struggles and who she can identify with. (Some foreshadowing for themes further seasons here).

    1. Those are all excellent points. Cordy is definitely Buffy's shadow self, and we'll see later on that Buffy uses some of Cordy's strengths. And I really like your point about Daryl and Buffy.

  9. Hey, I made an account just to thank you for writing this blog!

    I watched Buffy when it was airing and rewatching it now is so much better with your analysis.

    Your take on this episode has blown my mind in particular!
